
  • Status : Active development
  • Last Update : 2021.419.1
  • Can import and play without error : Yes


Soyokaze! is a custom ruleset mimicking Genshin Impact’s Ballads of Breeze mini-game. The ruleset is developed by Alden Wu.


Primarily in soyokaze! the player has 2 rhythm rings. A rhythm ring is like DPAD, it have 4 side (north, east, south and west). A note will appear at one of the four sides of both rings and then disappear. The player must press the note in time before it disappears using the keyboard button assigned for this specific note placement.


Only playable using a keyboard.

default controls

  • Button 1 (DPAD-L ↑) - W
  • Button 2 (DPAD-L ←) - A
  • Button 3 (DPAD-L ↓) - S
  • Button 4 (DPAD-L →) - D
  • Button 5 (DPAD-R ↑) - I
  • Button 6 (DPAD-R ←) - J
  • Button 7 (DPAD-R ↓) - K
  • Button 8 (DPAD-R →) - L


difficulty reduction

  • Easy Icon Easy

    • Larger circles, more forgiving HP drain, less accuracy required, and multiple lives. As a bonus, it makes the map impossible to read!
    • Score Multiplier: 0.85x
  • No Fail Icon No Fail

    • You can’t fail, no matter what.
      • Makes it impossible to fail.
    • Score Multiplier: 0.50x
  • Half Time Icon Half Time

    • Less Zoom…
      • Decreases speed .75x.
    • Score Multiplier: 0.30x
    • Click the icon again for Daycore Mod : Whoaaaaa…
      • Decreases speed .75x and lowers audio pitch.

difficulty increase

  • Hard Rock Icon Hard Rock

    • Everything just got a bit harder…
    • Score Multiplier: 1.06x
  • Sudden Death Icon Sudden Death

    • Miss and fail.
      • If you miss, you fail.
    • Click the icon again for Perfect Mod : SS or quit.
  • Double Time Icon Double Time

    • Zoooooooooom…
      • Increases speed 1.50x.
    • Score Multiplier: 1.12x
    • Click the icon again for Nightcore Mod : Uguuuuuuuu…
      • Increases speed 1.50x and raises audio pitch.
  • Holds Icon Holds

    • O Lord, a rhythm game!?
      • Converts Sliders to Holds instead of Hit Circles, increasing rhythmic complexity drastically
    • Score Multiplier: 1.09x


  • Autoplay Icon Autoplay
    • Watch a perfect automated play through the song.


  • Random Icon Random

    • Shuffle around the notes!
  • Difficulty Adjust Icon Difficulty Adjust

    • Override a beatmap’s difficulty settings.
    • You can override Circle Size, HP Drain, Accuracy, Approach Rate and Extended Limits


  • Wind Up Icon Wind Up
    • Can you keep up?
      • Slowly increases speed from 1.00x to 1.50x throughout the map and raises the pitch alongside the speed.
    • The song speed will be getting faster and faster
    • Click the icon again will be Wind Down Mod : Slooow doooown…
      • Slowly decreases speed from 1.00x to 0.75x throughout the map and lowers the pitch alongside the speed.
    • Initial rate, Final rate, and Adjust pitch are customizable parameters.


Player can adjust

  • Show Input Overlay by a toggle button
  • Show Kiai Visualizer by a toggle button
  • Hit Circle distance from screen center by a slider
  • Hit Circle gap by a slider
  • Judgement distance from screen center by a slider
  • Judgement gap by a slider
  • Input Overlay distance from screen center by a slider
  • Input Overlay gap by a slider
  • Kiai Visualizer distance from screen center by a slider
