
  • Status : Active development
  • Last Update : 2021.416.0
  • Can import and play without error : Yes


Sentakki is a custom ruleset based on Sega’s arcade rhythm game maimai. The ruleset is developed by Bloom.


Tap, touch, slide, hold to the beat! Sentakki have mainly 6 different note types. You can see all note types detail here.


Sentakki is primarily designed with touch screens in mind. However traditional input methods aren’t left out, and it’s possible to play with the mouse. Twin experiment could be activated to make full use of multi-touch.

default controls

  • Button 1 - Z M1
  • Button 2 - X M2
  • Key 1 - 1
  • Key 2 - 2
  • Key 3 - 3
  • Key 4 - 4
  • Key 5 - 5
  • Key 6 - 6
  • Key 7 - 7
  • Key 8 - 8


difficulty reduction

  • Half Time Icon Half Time

    • Less Zoom…
      • Decreases speed .75x.
    • Score Multiplier: 0.30x
    • Click the icon again for Daycore Mod : Whoaaaaa…
      • Decreases speed .75x and lowers audio pitch.
  • No Fail Icon No Fail

    • You can’t fail, no matter what.
      • Make it impossoble to fail.
    • Score Multiplier: 0.50x

difficulty increase

  • Hard Rock Icon Hard Rock

    • Everything just got a bit harder…
    • Score Multiplier: 1.06x
  • Sudden Death Icon Sudden Death

    • Miss and fail.
      • If you miss, you fail.
  • Challenge Icon Challenge

    • You only get a small margin for error
      • Decrease max health to make a game more challenge.
    • You can select number of lives option from 5,10,20,50,100,200 and 300
  • Double Time Icon Double Time

    • Zoooooooooom…
      • Increases speed 1.50x.
    • Score Multiplier: 1.12x
    • Click the icon again for Nightcore Mod : Uguuuuuuuu…
      • Increases speed 1.50x and raises audio pitch.


  • Autoplay Icon Autoplay

    • Watch a perfect automated play through the song.
  • Auto Touch Icon Auto Touch

    • Focused on the laned notes. Touch screen notes will be completed automatically.
    • Score Multiplier: 0.50x


  • Mirror Icon Mirror
    • Flip the playfield horizontally, vertically or both!


  • Wind Up Icon Wind Up

    • Can you keep up?
      • Slowly increases speed from 1.00x to 1.50x throughout the map and raises the pitch alongside the speed.
    • The song speed will be getting faster and faster
    • Click the icon again will be Wind Down Mod : Slooow doooown…
      • Slowly decreases speed from 1.00x to 0.75x throughout the map and lowers the pitch alongside the speed.
    • Initial rate, Final rate, and Adjust pitch are customizable parameters.
  • Spin Icon Spin

    • Replicate the true washing machine experience.
      • Spins the playfield during gameplay
  • Experimental Icon Experimental

    • Some experimental features to be added to future sentakki builds. Autoplay/No-Fail recommended. Replay unsupported.
    • Experiment that are availables are Twin notes, Twin slides and Touch notes


You can see a list of settings and what they do in Sentakki option wiki page.
