
  • Status : On Hold
  • Last Update : 0.18.6
  • Can import and play without error : Yes


Hitokori is a custom osu! ruleset based on A Dance of Fire and Ice. The ruleset is developed by Peri.


Guide two orbiting planets down a path without breaking their perfect equilibrium. Click when a planet reach a white circle.


Hitokori require only button to control. You can use keyboard, mouse, or touchscreen to play.

default controls

  • Button 1 - Z M1
  • Button 2 - X M2


difficulty reduction

  • Easy Icon Easy

    • I didn’t play with fire
      • Make the game easier by having less HP drain, less acuracy required, and increased max health.
    • Score Multiplier: 0.50x
  • No Fail Icon No Fail

    • True legends never die
      • Makes it impossible to fail.
    • Score Multiplier: 0.50x
  • Half Time Icon Half Time

    • Am I cool yet?
      • Decreases speed .75x.
    • Score Multiplier: 0.40x
    • Click the icon again for Daycore Mod : Ice, ice baby
      • Score Multiplier: 0.30x
      • Decreases speed to .75x and lowers audio pitch.

difficulty increase

  • Hard Rock Icon Hard Rock

    • Through the fire and the flames
      • A bit harder.
    • Score Multiplier: 1.10x
  • Sudden Death Icon Sudden Death

    • Just like the old days
      • If you miss, you fail.
    • Click the icon again for Perfect Mod : SS or quit.
  • Double Time Icon Double Time

    • SPeeEEeEdddD
      • Increases speed 1.50x.
    • Score Multiplier: 1.12x
    • Click the icon again for Nightcore Mod : Uguuuuuuuu…
      • Increases speed 1.50x and raises audio pitch.
  • Hidden Icon Hidden

    • Just like your feelings
      • Before a planet reaches the white circle, the white circle will disappear.
    • Score Multiplier: 1.10x
  • Flashlight Icon Flashlight

    • Welcome to Night City
      • You can only see the area around the planets.
    • Score Multiplier: 1.12x


  • Auto Icon Auto
    • Let a cute bot do all the hard work


  • Hold Tiles Icon Hold Tiles

    • Don’t hold yourself back
      • Adds tiles you need to hold.
  • Spin Tiles Icon Spin Tiles

    • Prepare for a spin
      • Adds tiles that you have to press multiple times at the same speed.
  • Untangle Icon Untangle

    • WIP


  • Reverse Spin Icon Reverse Spin

    • You make me spin right round, baby right round
      • Makes the whole playfield spin.
  • Triplets Icon Triplets

    • Trice the fun
      • Play with 3 planets.


The player can adjust

  • Camera speed by slider
  • Orbit ring opacity by slider
  • Orbit ring border style to Dashed, Dotted or Solid
  • Connector width by slider
  • Hold/Spin connector width by switch.
  • First orbital color, Second orbital color, Third orbital color by color panel or enter hex color code
